The Uconomix Encryption Engine is a encryption/decryption software for protecting files by using powerful mathematics algorithm for encryption and a personal password.
The encrypted files are hidden so nobody can see them, unless by using the password that was originally used for the previous encryption process.
The same password can be utilized for encrypting multiple files and folders.
Encrypted files can be sent by email or stored on unsafe units or devices, since there's no way to recover these files unless by using the original password, so the contained data are secure and protected.
Within the system that is shared by different users, children, strangers, the protected files stay safe and away from any manipulation, with no possible access allowed.
The encryption process is to convert readable and understandable data into something that is nosense for anybody but the password owner.
MS Word documents, PDF documents, audio files, video clips, etc. are nothing recognizable when they are encrypted. Nobody can read, listen nor even erase these files without using the owner password. Other Internet users find these files completely useless.
The application employs the strong AES 512 encryption and allows the user to specify different passwords in the files encryption process, so they are ready to be sent by email, Internet or shared with confidential colleagues, or being stored on CD once protected.
The program supports multilingual interface.